Teachers and Parents.
How can we prevent injuries in schools?
Prevent inuries in schools and inform about this.
How can we prevent injuries in schools? There are infinite ways of preventing injuries at schools (Elementary and High Schools).
There are many ways of geting injured at school like falling down the stairs, from a balcony, get injured playing a school sport, so we have to change that risky school and make it a safe place for children and teenagers.
First the schools has to inform people about how to prevent injuries lie doing an assembly or putting posters around the school for students, teachers and other people from the school see.
Then the school has to promote ideas and also students can give ideas fo the prevention of injuries. Some ways of prenvent injuries at schools:
- Put safe walks through school so students, teachers and other people from school dont fall or have an injuries.
- Make sure the sports that the school offer are completly safe and free of any danger for students that practice abd teachers that teach it
- Paint the stairs so students, teachers and poeple that work or are from the school fall and cause a serious injury.
- You can create a web page for giving a presenting ideas and other stuff about the prevention of injuries or/ and lessons.
- You can also visit our web pages, writing this web links that appear below:
* www.injurieprevention.com: injury prevention is the newest injury prevention website. There you can find all the information you need to make your school a safe place .Click the link and visit us.
* www.preventionofinjuries.com: is a website were you will find stadistics, rewies and other stuff about the injury prevention system.
* www.nomoreinjuries.com: no more injuries at schools! Come on and listen. No more injuries is a talking programe that goes to schools abd talks whith children and tennagers about injury prevention and how to prevent injuries.
So it is exactly 400 word in here? :D