lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015

Written Task Corrected

Dear Dill,

Its funny how ironic things can be in real life, yesterday events where a little like that I think? Before I tell you what happened I’m just gonna say Im fine. If you are wondering, Atticus and Aunt Alexandra alright too.

As you know in my school every Halloween we make a performance on stage. Mrs. Merriweather composed a pageant and I was going to act on it along with other kids of my school, seems fun right? Well it wasn’t, Mrs. Merriwather thought it would be adorable to dress up the kids as Maycomb’s agricultural products. I was to be a ham, If you had seen me you would laugh so hard you would had fell from your sit, the only thing I did enjoy was watching Cecil Jacobs dress up like a cow. My costume by the way was a bit uncomfortable, Jem said I looked like a ham with legs, but the costume was too big aldo I thank god I had it on that day.

In my imagination I assumed my presentation would be perfect and that all Maycomb County was going to watch me preform including Atticus and Aunt Alexandra but it wasn’t like that. Only Jem saw my performance on stage as the other family members had several excuses for not attending to my show. Anyway, I did a special performance to Cal and Auntie at home and Jem said he would walk me to the school and back. The sky was full of grey fat clouds and it was a warm weather for October so we thought it would rain when we got home. When we were passing the Radley place Cecil jumped from the bushes and made us scream of fright so in my head I started plotting vengeance. At school Cecil and me stay together and Jem gave me thirty cents so Cecil and me collected money to go to the house of horrors, don’t you worry you didn’t lost any fun as the house was a disappointment for the both of us.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

Rationale, To Kill a Mockingbird Written Task

For my written task I wrote an informal letter from the main character point of view about the issue in the books ending. The letter was from Scout to Dill because he is not in Maycomb when the events happen so its very credible that Scout would write a letter to him and its informal because they are best friends.

My task is not directed to a certain group of people but for anyone who likes the book and wants to read fan fiction and I think I would be published on my English class blog.
In my letter I tried to present how the character is according to the book and how she reacts after the things that happen through the last chapters and how this changes her point of view about things and make her become more mature evolving as a child to a pre-teenager with a impeccable moral compass and a very open minded opinions about race, feminism and discrimination.

For my next written task or essay I will try to overcome the things I didn’t achieve in this one like the grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization where I had errors. Also for this task we had a lot of time to finish it so I have to improve my writing so I write faster in the future.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

Written Task: Article

Now a days in the most part of the world people are insert in a society sorrounded by Media.What is media anyway? The diccionary says media is the main means of mass communication regarded collectivelly. So basiclly media is the T.V , newspaper, radio, magazines, ads and all other things we see almost every day.

As everything in this world we live in it has good and bad things. If we think of the good things there are a lot it give us communication, entertaiment, news, etc. Thanks to the media we can know what is happening in other places and get inform of important issues so we can get informed and create a personal opinion of what is right and what is wrong. But what if the thing the media is telling us is not entirely true or key information is missing. What if their making us form an opinion based on what they think or favour their particular interests, that is Media Manipulation. So what can we do about this? How do we know what is real and what is a lie?

When televison was invented media was trusted people never thougt that what they were seeing,hearing or reading where not entirely true or lies. Nobody can say today that it is easy to difference media manipulation and bias from sincere news, we never know if what they are telling us is entirely true. Some people think that if a lot of people believe in it its real, but thats exactly what manipulators want us to think. So the best method it may be to see what they might win for promoting an idea true or fake, most of the time it is money or protection, but in blogger, twitter, facebook, and all other social media the thing is different, if they want money they must have alot of followers and then they promote thing or ideas even products. So who can we trust her? sadly no one , because we never know if its real or not. So what we can do is still listen to the media in fact listen to more media and know all the points of view of the issue, inform ourselves of how media manipulation and bias works and finally decide by ourselves what we think its true or not.

Wait but how does the media manipulation works? Well there are ALOT of techniques and types of media manipulation. If you know how it works the will surelly be way more easier to identify. Noam Chumsky the famous linguistics teacher says there are ten principal estrategies that are the most common and powerfull.

First there is "the strategy of distraction" it consist in distract the public from the particular issue by showing information that will make them ignore the issue. The second want is "create problems then offer a solution" that as the name says its basiclly create a problem and a solution to the problem that ends up on benefit or harm to a certain point of view. The third is "gradual strategy",is making society accept something that currently dont accept by showing it in the media gradually until it becomes normal and accepted. Fourth "deferring"its also about making something acceptable but by putting it as a necessary thing and convincing people about this.Fifth is to " treat the public as a child" by rewarding them if they think what they want them to and punishing if they not. Next one is " use the emotional side more than the reflection" by telling people everything is ok and smiling alot. Seventh " Ignorance" talk in terms people dont understand and dont explain it. The Eight one is very important because of its expansion it consist in "make them stay ingnorant" by the make believe ignorance is a cool thing so they stay mediocre. Nine "self blame strength", blame the very own people of their misfortunes.Finally the last one but not the least one and also the most scary is "Know the viewers better they know themselves" by surveys, phsicology and biology studies, etc.So then they know how the people will react and how to convince them.

In conclusion the media manipulation is an issue of very much importance that we need to be aware of and learn by this methods how to know it. So know wen we watch the news will be aware and picky. I hope this article has been a helpfull tool to inform ourselves of media manipulation and get ready to fight it day a day, but we cant let it control us and makes us lost our time following it or fighting it, life is to live it at full so I hope you do and have a beautiful and admirable life.

By Patricio Garcia.


For my written task I have decided to write a media manipulation article. I will focus on how media affects people.

Media manipulation is a very serious and global issue all over the world. In Occident almost every person has a T.V or read magazines and newspaper, so almost everyone is exposed to the media. The media is everywhere on  buses, taxis, streets, walls, even in the sky. People should know and learn more about what media is and what it informs them.

On my article I will talk about this topic and I will state how to recognize true news from false ones also how to inform ourselves about this.

I chose to write an article because it seems to me that its the best way to say all the things I want and explain what I think about them.By doing this I hope to make a good article and explain all I want about media manipulation.