jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

Task 2 07/03/13

Today I am going to write about the beloved Don Francisco. Don Francisco was born in Talca(Chile) on the 28th of december under the name of Mario Luis Kreutzberger Blumenfeld, he is the son of a german judish couple that was scaping of the natzi persecution they were Erich Kreutzberger and Annie Blumenfeld. He grow up in Santiago and In the second year of secondary school,he leaves school to sell clothing. However, histrionic-inherited qualities of his mother led him to encourage events in her spare time, she played in the Israeli Macabbi Club, of which he was a member. Here is born  the character that eventually became Don Francisco, and he meets Teresa Muchnick, whom he would marry and have three children: Patricio, Vivian, "La Vivi" (TV host, married to Robert Wilkins) and Francisco (audiovisual communicator) currently works for CHV.Once inside the world of television, his first task was to conduct Dominical Show program which was on air less than a month, after which he was fired. The public outcry it make he was rehired, leading to the conduct of a variety show, contests, interviews, and humor. In April 1962 Sabados Gigantes.

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