lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

Chart 18/03/13

United States
hauling up buckets of dirt, the chance to find (g) pottery shards, turquoise (h) beads and other remnants of this ancient community, a tour of Mesa Verde National Park
II. Biphere
 Arabia, Slovakia and Honduras.
 Work with siencetist 
III. Sierra club
 Apalaches, colorado and wyoming,
 Clean up areas.
IV. Cross - Cultural       Solutions
 Morroco , Peru, Costa rica, tanzania, Guatemala and Brazil.
 teach about wares, english, empowering women, child care and rebuild.
V. Global Citizens network
 Kenya, Nepal , Guatemala, Minnesota
 build a medical clinic, construct a roof , weaving and harvesting 
VI. Habitat for Humanity
 New orleans, cameroon , malasya, paraguay and romania
 improve poor towns, rebuild them 
VII. Earthwatch

 study rhesus monkey, help protect the whales or excavete mammoths.

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